Your credit score is extremely important. It can affect if you can get a large loan like a mortgage. If you are able to get one, it will affect how much you pay in interest, which could be the different between saving or spending thousands of dollars. It is vital to your financial future!
Many people don't know what goes into the credit score, or how you can improve it. One thing that impacts your score is the amount of money that you owe, and the percentage of that amount compared to your limit. In other words, your credit utilization. So, if you are able to increase your credit limit (and increase your borrowing power, it will lower your utilization, which could help your credit score.
So what can you do to increase your credit limit? The first thing is to make sure that you have a solid financial foundation and look like someone worthy of a high limit. That means you need to be someone who pays their bills on time, and hopefully has a long relationship with the creditor (so that they know you are trustworthy). If you are frequently making late payments, nobody will want to give you an increase.
Next, you should have a reason to increase your limit, and be able to state that to the creditor. When you call to ask for an increase, give them a reason for your asking for an increased limit (perhaps an upcoming vacation, or even that you know it can help your credit score), and you need to be able to tell them why they should give you a higher limit. If you have a higher income than when you first got the card, or have paid off other debts, those types of things that could help convince them to increase the limit.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Alas, another update
Ahem, it's been a while comrades.
While I'm not making any promises that this will be frequently updated, you'll get at least one.
I've been excellent. I still work at the Geology Library (which I think I mentioned, maybe not though), which is actually where I'm at right now as I type this! That's right folks, I'm getting paid $6.25 per hour to write this up... read it and weep.
But you don't care about my job, I bet. So how about my classes? If I recall, I mentioned all of the classes I am taking this semester... Accounting, Business Stats, Macroeconomics, Information Systems (two of those classes), Speech, and Basketball. Here's the quick rundown of how they've gone thus far (finals are next week).
Accounting - I came in with very low hopes about this class, and it has surpassed my expectations. In fact, I liked it so much I've become an Accounting and Finance double major! Double woohoo! As long as I show up for the final, my grade will be good.
Business Stats - It's not the most boring class ever, but it's at 8 AM which is a big negative. However, the teacher's excellent, the concepts have generally not been difficult to understand, and like Accounting, as long as I show up for the final I'm not worried about my grade.
Macroeconomics - I expected this to be a little more interesting than Microeconomics, and it has. While Micro was very boring, Macro is only moderately boring. So it has that going for it, which is nice.
Information Systems [317] - This is the most boring class ever. Seriously, it's all uphill from here. Not overly difficult, but it's a chore just to stay awake (and it doesn't help that its my 3rd staright 1 hour, 15 minute class!)
Information Systems [117] - As I have used a computer before in my life, this 1-credit class was exceedingly easy.
Speech - Really boring but surprisingly not too awful. I didn't mind giving speeches much (though writing them sucks), and while listening to other speeches is boring, there are worse things (like being in ISYS 317 class!) All in all, not a fun class, but not as awful as I expected.
Basketball - We usually played 5 on 5, sometimes 4 on 4, or even the occasional 3 on 3 to mix things up. In other words, this class rocked.
So there it was. Porbably 2 Bs, though there's a chance it will only be 1.
Next semester I will be taking Accounting 2, Spreadsheet Applications in Accounting, Marketing Foundations, Money and Banking, and Management. Should be ok, I think. The spreadsheet class and the Money and Banking class will be boring I think, but who knows.
Anyway, that's me. In other good news, this site finally got an affiliate/sponsor thingy, and it's a site for mainly for Minnesota Sports Tickets. So check them out, especially if you're in the Minneapolis area.
As always, you can find me at Complete Sports, Thank You Brian Sabean, and now The Water Cooler Online. Check them out, and while you might be horribly disappointed, maybe you won't. And that's a chance you need to take.
While I'm not making any promises that this will be frequently updated, you'll get at least one.
I've been excellent. I still work at the Geology Library (which I think I mentioned, maybe not though), which is actually where I'm at right now as I type this! That's right folks, I'm getting paid $6.25 per hour to write this up... read it and weep.
But you don't care about my job, I bet. So how about my classes? If I recall, I mentioned all of the classes I am taking this semester... Accounting, Business Stats, Macroeconomics, Information Systems (two of those classes), Speech, and Basketball. Here's the quick rundown of how they've gone thus far (finals are next week).
Accounting - I came in with very low hopes about this class, and it has surpassed my expectations. In fact, I liked it so much I've become an Accounting and Finance double major! Double woohoo! As long as I show up for the final, my grade will be good.
Business Stats - It's not the most boring class ever, but it's at 8 AM which is a big negative. However, the teacher's excellent, the concepts have generally not been difficult to understand, and like Accounting, as long as I show up for the final I'm not worried about my grade.
Macroeconomics - I expected this to be a little more interesting than Microeconomics, and it has. While Micro was very boring, Macro is only moderately boring. So it has that going for it, which is nice.
Information Systems [317] - This is the most boring class ever. Seriously, it's all uphill from here. Not overly difficult, but it's a chore just to stay awake (and it doesn't help that its my 3rd staright 1 hour, 15 minute class!)
Information Systems [117] - As I have used a computer before in my life, this 1-credit class was exceedingly easy.
Speech - Really boring but surprisingly not too awful. I didn't mind giving speeches much (though writing them sucks), and while listening to other speeches is boring, there are worse things (like being in ISYS 317 class!) All in all, not a fun class, but not as awful as I expected.
Basketball - We usually played 5 on 5, sometimes 4 on 4, or even the occasional 3 on 3 to mix things up. In other words, this class rocked.
So there it was. Porbably 2 Bs, though there's a chance it will only be 1.
Next semester I will be taking Accounting 2, Spreadsheet Applications in Accounting, Marketing Foundations, Money and Banking, and Management. Should be ok, I think. The spreadsheet class and the Money and Banking class will be boring I think, but who knows.
Anyway, that's me. In other good news, this site finally got an affiliate/sponsor thingy, and it's a site for mainly for Minnesota Sports Tickets. So check them out, especially if you're in the Minneapolis area.
As always, you can find me at Complete Sports, Thank You Brian Sabean, and now The Water Cooler Online. Check them out, and while you might be horribly disappointed, maybe you won't. And that's a chance you need to take.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Super Fabulous Update!
Well, I suppose I’m past overdue for an update, especially since one was requested in my last post’s comments like 2 weeks ago. So here we go (this will probably get long).
First, my grades for the 2nd semester:
Applied Calc – I wasn’t overly optimistic about this class coming in, and became even less optimistic after I failed the first test, and even considered dropping the class and retaking it next year. But, I studied a lot more for the second test, boosted the grade overall, and repeated that for the 3rd and 4th tests, which put me at a B going into the final test (which was 33% of the grade). Coming in, I knew that if I got an A on the Final, then I would get an A in the class. However, I found the final to be exceedingly difficult, possibly the hardest test I have ever taken, despite my having studying lots of hours. Fortunately, I must have done better than I thought on it, judging by my final grade. An A.
Microeconomics – This class wasn’t all that hard, but the tests were pretty challenging. Going into the final, I knew I was pretty much set at a B. The final was rather easy, but not easy enough to change my grade. B.
Business Writing – This class was really easy, but for some reason I was sitting on a high B heading into the final project (there wasn’t a final test, per se). For the final paper, I had to write a 4-5 page paper on the Advertising part of a new bookstore. I guess it went well enough. A.
Criminology – This was probably my favorite class, because I found most of the subject matter to be rather interesting. The tests were good as well, all 50 point multiple guess questions, which were a little confusing, but weren’t too hard. Along with the little bit of extra credit that we got for writing a short paper, this class was interesting and easy. A good combo. A.
Juvenile Delinquency – I heard lots of people complain that this class was hard, but I didn’t think it was too bad. Well, the tests absolutely sucked. Usually they consisted of 1-2 essays which were worth 110 points, and then 50-70 multiple guess questions. In other words, really long, and the multiple choice were always really hard. To add on, 20% of the grade in the class was a 3-page paper, which I ended up writing at 2 AM one night after a football game. I got the same grade on that paper that I got in the class. A.
Government – This class was unbelievably and almost unbearably boring, which was odd, because I liked Government in high school. Fortunately, the final test was super easy, which allowed me to sneak out of there with a good grade. A.
For the semester, a solid 3.83 GPA, giving me a 3.70 GPA so far after 2 semesters. If it weren’t for stinkin’ Biology, I’d be a lot higher!
Now, for next year’s classes:
Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Business Statistics (3 credits)
Accounting (3 credits)
Public Speaking (3 credits)
Information Systems (3 credits)
Information Systems (1 credit)
Basketball (1 credit)
So for a total of 17 credits, one less than I had last semester. Although, I’m considering dropping the basketball class, especially since the guy that was supposed to teach it (an assistant basketball coach) is now coaching at South Florida. So I don’t even know if it will be offered. I’ll have Fridays off and maybe Mondays off (if I drop the basketball class), which is nice, but my Tuesdays and Thursdays will suck. And then of course I’ll have to fit 10-15 hours of work in a week. Could be another busy semester.
By the way, right now I’m listening to the song “Silver Cloud” by The Cells, and I have to say that I really enjoy it.
Now about the summer. Basically, I go to work until midnight, stay up late, sleep in late, and then go back to work. Wash, rinse, repeat. I answer phones 40 hours a week, usually with the hours 4-midnight 5 days a week, although sometimes I get to work 8-4 on the weekends. It’s usually pretty boring, but well, what can you do. I need to pay for college somehow (and if you want to chip in, that would work too!)
What else have I been doing? Not much. I write Complete Sports, which is cool and takes up most of my blogging time. I also just started another blog – Thank You Brian Sabean – which is cool because it focuses a lot on the Twins (or rather, 3 players on the Twins, but if you really want to know just go to the site), but it doesn’t take much writing time, so that’s cool.
I watch a lot of TV. I’ve been trying to watch all of the NBA Playoffs, but my viewing has been greatly hampered by my work schedule. Also, I watch Law & Order reruns on TV a lot, since that’s like the best show ever. Usually, I try to watch it at 2:00 PM on TNT, take a shower at 3, make something to eat, and then go to work. That’s a pretty consistent schedule for me. I also try to watch Seinfeld as much as I can, but I haven’t been watching enough of it lately.
Another cool thing is that I got my first payment from Google for Adsense, which was sweet, and a nice bonus.
I also got OOTP Baseball 2006. Well, technically, my sisters and brother pre-ordered it for me as a Christmas present, but it finally came out, and it’s pretty sweet, although it’ll take a lot of playing to get used to the nuances of the game. It’s very complex.
Anyway, that’s about all I have in me. If you (and by you I mean the one person that read this through) have any questions, drop me a question in the comments or by electronic-mail, and I’ll be happy to answer!
Only 2 ½ months of summer vacation left. Hopefully the time goes slow (except while I’m at work. Then hopefully the time goes fast).
Have a super day!!
First, my grades for the 2nd semester:
Applied Calc – I wasn’t overly optimistic about this class coming in, and became even less optimistic after I failed the first test, and even considered dropping the class and retaking it next year. But, I studied a lot more for the second test, boosted the grade overall, and repeated that for the 3rd and 4th tests, which put me at a B going into the final test (which was 33% of the grade). Coming in, I knew that if I got an A on the Final, then I would get an A in the class. However, I found the final to be exceedingly difficult, possibly the hardest test I have ever taken, despite my having studying lots of hours. Fortunately, I must have done better than I thought on it, judging by my final grade. An A.
Microeconomics – This class wasn’t all that hard, but the tests were pretty challenging. Going into the final, I knew I was pretty much set at a B. The final was rather easy, but not easy enough to change my grade. B.
Business Writing – This class was really easy, but for some reason I was sitting on a high B heading into the final project (there wasn’t a final test, per se). For the final paper, I had to write a 4-5 page paper on the Advertising part of a new bookstore. I guess it went well enough. A.
Criminology – This was probably my favorite class, because I found most of the subject matter to be rather interesting. The tests were good as well, all 50 point multiple guess questions, which were a little confusing, but weren’t too hard. Along with the little bit of extra credit that we got for writing a short paper, this class was interesting and easy. A good combo. A.
Juvenile Delinquency – I heard lots of people complain that this class was hard, but I didn’t think it was too bad. Well, the tests absolutely sucked. Usually they consisted of 1-2 essays which were worth 110 points, and then 50-70 multiple guess questions. In other words, really long, and the multiple choice were always really hard. To add on, 20% of the grade in the class was a 3-page paper, which I ended up writing at 2 AM one night after a football game. I got the same grade on that paper that I got in the class. A.
Government – This class was unbelievably and almost unbearably boring, which was odd, because I liked Government in high school. Fortunately, the final test was super easy, which allowed me to sneak out of there with a good grade. A.
For the semester, a solid 3.83 GPA, giving me a 3.70 GPA so far after 2 semesters. If it weren’t for stinkin’ Biology, I’d be a lot higher!
Now, for next year’s classes:
Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Business Statistics (3 credits)
Accounting (3 credits)
Public Speaking (3 credits)
Information Systems (3 credits)
Information Systems (1 credit)
Basketball (1 credit)
So for a total of 17 credits, one less than I had last semester. Although, I’m considering dropping the basketball class, especially since the guy that was supposed to teach it (an assistant basketball coach) is now coaching at South Florida. So I don’t even know if it will be offered. I’ll have Fridays off and maybe Mondays off (if I drop the basketball class), which is nice, but my Tuesdays and Thursdays will suck. And then of course I’ll have to fit 10-15 hours of work in a week. Could be another busy semester.
By the way, right now I’m listening to the song “Silver Cloud” by The Cells, and I have to say that I really enjoy it.
Now about the summer. Basically, I go to work until midnight, stay up late, sleep in late, and then go back to work. Wash, rinse, repeat. I answer phones 40 hours a week, usually with the hours 4-midnight 5 days a week, although sometimes I get to work 8-4 on the weekends. It’s usually pretty boring, but well, what can you do. I need to pay for college somehow (and if you want to chip in, that would work too!)
What else have I been doing? Not much. I write Complete Sports, which is cool and takes up most of my blogging time. I also just started another blog – Thank You Brian Sabean – which is cool because it focuses a lot on the Twins (or rather, 3 players on the Twins, but if you really want to know just go to the site), but it doesn’t take much writing time, so that’s cool.
I watch a lot of TV. I’ve been trying to watch all of the NBA Playoffs, but my viewing has been greatly hampered by my work schedule. Also, I watch Law & Order reruns on TV a lot, since that’s like the best show ever. Usually, I try to watch it at 2:00 PM on TNT, take a shower at 3, make something to eat, and then go to work. That’s a pretty consistent schedule for me. I also try to watch Seinfeld as much as I can, but I haven’t been watching enough of it lately.
Another cool thing is that I got my first payment from Google for Adsense, which was sweet, and a nice bonus.
I also got OOTP Baseball 2006. Well, technically, my sisters and brother pre-ordered it for me as a Christmas present, but it finally came out, and it’s pretty sweet, although it’ll take a lot of playing to get used to the nuances of the game. It’s very complex.
Anyway, that’s about all I have in me. If you (and by you I mean the one person that read this through) have any questions, drop me a question in the comments or by electronic-mail, and I’ll be happy to answer!
Only 2 ½ months of summer vacation left. Hopefully the time goes slow (except while I’m at work. Then hopefully the time goes fast).
Have a super day!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Didn't I just have a math test?
Well yes. But I had another one last week, and just got the results back Friday. And I got a 95%.
Go me. :)
Go me. :)
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
North Dakota represent!

Boy cited for taking porn to school
A 14-year old boy was cited with a class C felony after bringing digital images of pornography to school on Friday.
Bismarck Police Lt. Dan Donlin said staff at Wachter Middle School called police after finding pornography on the boy's Sony PlayStation Portable. The boy was charged with promoting obscenity to minors for showing other students the pornography.
Donlin said the boy also was cited with simple assault, a misdemeanor, for scratching another student with a key. Donlin said the student who was scratched was the one who told school officials that the boy had pornography on the PlayStation.
-Tom Rafferty
Handcuffs and a felony seem to be a little excessive to me, but what do I know??
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Two Phrases I'm bringing back
"I'm gonna mess you up sucka!"
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
Please join me in this quest to bring these phrases back to popularity.
"Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
Please join me in this quest to bring these phrases back to popularity.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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